Monday, May 18, 2009


Friends, family, readers...

I have been diagnosed with Celiac Disease. It's been confirmed and my lifestyle change is in progress!! This is definitely a life change, but a blessing as well. (To follow my gluten-free eating adventures click here) It's a relief to finally know what has been causing me pain and discomfort as well as illness over the past year and a half. Changing my eating and lifestyle will definitely be a challenge but one I'm willing to tackle with the support of my family and the necessity to avoid further health complications.

I am gluten-intolerant. Allergic to wheat, barley, and rye. Gluten is in many more foods than anyone would think. Apart from breads and the obvious, gluten is hiding in foods like soy sauce, tortilla chips, candy, cold cuts, hot dogs, gravy, imitation fish, sauces, french fries, soup broths even cooking oil for grilling meat or spraying pans. Avoiding gluten is a tremendous challenge. 

The past two weeks have been a nightmare. I've been scared to eat anything and starving all the time. However, there are so many resources out there, so many things I can eat, safely. I have been eating really well this week and am already feeling better. 

While this will be difficult, it will be worth it! This disease is something I'll deal with for the rest of my life, as it has no cure, BUT!  If you know me well, you know I have a sweet tooth that must be satisfied! As I search for great gluten-free food, you can follow my findings (if you are so inclined) at my new gluten-free blog: 
I'll still be blogging here, don't worry ;)

I have a feeling gluten-free food is going to get better and better!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I know I'm stressed when..

Well.. Finals week is coming to an end. YAY!!

I know I'm stressed when:
1. I bite my fingernails. They're the first to go!
2. I feel like I'm in a serious relationship with the library. I give 'him' all my time and energy
3. I'm eating. Contstantly. Probably the worst of my stress habits. I either have chocolate or carrot sticks with me. All the time. I'm a snacker.
4. I spend more time at the library than at my apartment.
5. My hair AND make up isn't done AND I'm in sweats. I generally try to have only one of these going on at once.. When I'm stressed, it's all missing.
6. I always have my phone in my hand, open to my e-mail inbox, or calendar.
7. I forget to have real meals. I often 'double fist it' as well. Coffee in one hand, water in the other. It's important to stay hydrated! (AND to stay awake!)
8. I live out of my car.
9. I talk to my self about flashcards and assignments more than I talk to my family and friends. 
10. I pray. A ton. At the end of the day, no matter how much I stress, it's so not in my control!

Thank goodness I took my last final today! I've finished my junior year of college. WILD!

Let the summer begin!